ADD-ON: Local Physical Director By Signblock
A Singapore company needs at least one local, physical director, who we can provide as part of our Director Services. Directorship comes with fiduciary duties hence our first year Director fee includes a USD 5,000 deposit which will be refunded to you upon termination of our directorship. You can also appoint your own local Director. This needs to be a local resident or Singaporean national with the appropriate qualifications, who can look after the day-to-day matters of your company. Our Directors act under a general power of attorney.A Singapore company needs at least one local, physical director, who we can provide as part of our Director Services. Directorship comes with fiduciary duties hence our first year Director fee includes a USD 5,000 deposit which will be refunded to you upon termination of our directorship. You can also appoint your own local Director. This needs to be a local resident or Singaporean national with the appropriate qualifications, who can look after the day-to-day matters of your company. Our Directors act under a general power of attorney.